Jesus went on to say, ‘In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me.'” John 16:16


In John 16:16, Jesus told his Disciples, “In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me.” Jesus told this to his disciples right before he was about to be arrested to be crucified. The disciples didn’t understand, because they thought the messiah would be exalted and gloried here on earth in their time. But Jesus knew, His work was not completed until he endured the cross, and conquered the grave. This is why Jesus told them, “in a little while you will see me no more, but after a while you will see me.”

When Jesus endured the cross, and was laid in the tomb, those moments for the disciples felt lonely, uncertain, & defeating, because they couldn’t understand how this was a part of Gods plan. The disciples couldn’t see hope in the midst of what seemed like an end to a story.

But Jesus knew the end to the story, he knew, in three days, he was going to walk out of that tomb ALIVE!

The disciples couldn’t fathom the plans of God, or how good can come out of death on a cross.

But, Jesus knew that he needed to endure the cross for you, me, for our family, for our children, for the world. Jesus knew that the same Spirit that raised him from the dead, would be living in us. He knew that the Spirit would lead us into all truth. He knew the Spirit would be our advocate, our counselor. He knew he needed to ascend so that the Spirit could come (John 16).


Can you relate to the disciples? Do you feel like you are in a time that all you can see is “death on a cross” A.K.A. no hope? Maybe all you can see is no provision coming in, or no peace in the midst of what’s happening in the world, or no stability in a world of chaos…. or no light at the end of the tunnel you are facing.

In these times, let us be reminded of what Jesus said to His disciples “in a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me.” It may seem like you don’t see the Lord right now, but let me tell you, we will see the Lord. He’s still reigning on the throne. He’s still our miracle worker. He’s still with us. He’s still healer of our land. He’s still our shelter. He’s the One who holds the world in His hand, creator of the universe, prince of peace, ALMIGHTY GOD.

Even if you can’t seem Him now in the midst of this season, God’s promise for us, is He has never left us nor forsaken us; you will see Him.

Action Step

The way we can see God in the midst of everything is by casting our cares to him. It is by speaking to the Lord about what we feel, or don’t feel. It is being honest with the Lord, for you can trust Him. It’s going everyday to the feet of Jesus, to the One who loves your, to spend time in His presence. Remember, as you seek Him, you will find Him.

Let us continue to cast our cares upon the Lord, and allow the Lord to minister to our hearts. Let us continue to praise the Lord for the things we cannot see. Let us continue to focus our thoughts on the Lord, and walk in a sound mind. Let us continue to seek him, so we find Him.


Father, you are light in the darkness. You are preparing your bride for your coming, and we yield our hearts to your ways. All of our hope is in you. All of our trust is in who you are. God use us to be your messengers of Hope. Father use us to take others by the hand, and lead them to you. Use our lives to intercede for this Island. Use our lives to remind the world that you are who you say you are.

Father all of our affections are for you. You are worthy of it all. You are indeed our good good Father. We thank you Lord, for you never fail us, leave us, nor forsake us. We thank you Lord that you are our provider and protector. We thank you Lord that you are taking care of our loved ones. We thank you Lord that you allow us to be a part of your master plan. We thank you Lord for the Holy Spirit, who hides us under your wing, who counsels us, who leads us to your truth. We love you Lord, and we pray all this in the name of Jesus Amen.

By Pastor Erika Da Silva